Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Google Forms for Reflections/Goals

Google Forms are great and I am trying to use them in class to make things easier for myself and my students. Having seen a Form online that a teacher completes after every guided reading session (to keep evidence for themselves) I have made a couple of forms to use for weekly reflections. Copies can be made at the bottom of the post.

One is titled 'Weekly Reflection' and I see my students completing this every Friday afternoon. This will give them the chance to reflect on their week and set a goal for next week, and also give me some information about things they might have found too easy or challenging.

The other is titled 'My Learning this Week - Maths' and is specific to maths. This gives me feedback on how the students learning went during the week, if things were too easy or hard, and gives them a chance to ask for more help on something the following week.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of how you can use forms in your class. If you have any great ideas please leave a comment as I would appreciate more ideas.

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